Thermo Orion Orion Star A213 Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter Kit with Self-Stirring Probe

Thermo Orion STARA2136


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Link Gulf STARA2136
Orion Star A213 Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter Kit with Self-Stirring Probe
Thermo Orion STARA2136 / ColeParmer EW-53101-06 / Daigger EF9438EB / Fisher 13-645-535 / VWR MP89206-324
 Thomas 1218X45 / Spectrum 246-92164

Thermo Scientific Orion Star A213 Advanced RDO/Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter

The Thermo Scientific Orion Star A213 RDO/Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Benchtop Meter is the ideal choice for any lab. Get the information you need quickly and easily from the large, backlit graphic LCD display. Informative display shows dissolved oxygen in percent saturation or concentration and temperature with time, date, sample ID, user ID and compensation settings

Features and Benefits

  • Easy meter operation assured with on-screen text prompts, menu-specific function keys and a multi-language interface
  • Compatible with Orion RDO optical and Orion polarographic DO probes
  • Accurate results are easy with automatic temperature, manual salinity and automatic/manual barometric pressure compensation
  • Don’t miss a reading—AUTO-READ™ locks the stable reading on screen, ready indicator alerts when reading is stable and timed setting logs data at set intervals
  • Calibrate using water-saturated air, air-saturated water, custom value using a Winkler titration or zero point calibration
  • Non-volatile memory holds up to 2000 data points with time and date stamp
  • Easily transfer data with the USB and RS232 ports and complimentary Orion Star Com computer software
  • For faster BOD readings, control the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ AUTO-STIR™ DO/BOD probe (086030MD) directly from the meter
  • Included electrode arm and holder make it easier to maintain and place probes into samples
  • IP54-rated housing handles splashes and is wall-mountable to save space
  • 3 year meter replacement warranty


Dissolved Oxygen Concentration—Polarographic
Range 0 to 90 mg/L
Resolution 0.01, 0.1 mg/L
Relative Accuracy ±0.2 mg/L or ±2 % of reading, whichever is greater
% Saturation—Polarographic
Range 0 to 600 % saturation
Resolution 0.1, 1 % saturation
Relative Accuracy ±2 % saturation or ±2 % of reading, whichever is greater
Range 0 to 50 mg/L
Resolution 0.01, 0.1 mg/L
Relative Accuracy ±0.1 mg/L up to 8 mg/L; ±0.2 mg/L from 8 to 20 mg/L;
10 % of reading from 20 to 50 mg/L
% Saturation—RDO
Range 0 to 500 % saturation
Resolution 0.1, 1 % saturation
Relative Accuracy ±2 % sat. ≤ 200 % sat., ±10 % sat. > 200 % sat.
Barometric Pressure Correction 400 to 850 mmHg, automatic or manual
Manual Salinity Factor Correction 0 to 45 ppt
Calibration Features Water-saturated air, air saturated water, manual (Winkler) and zero point
Temperature Range 0 to 50 ºC, 32 to 122 ºF
Resolution 0.1 ºC, 0.1 ºF
Relative Accuracy ±0.1 ºC, ±0.1 ºF
Offset Calibration 1 point
Datalogging Memory 2000 with time and date stamp
Log Function Manual, ready (includes AUTO-READ), timed
Inputs DO Probe with Built-in Temperature 9-pin mini-DIN
Output RS232, USB
Power AC Adapter Included—universal, 100-240 VAC
Battery Power Optional—4 AAs
Battery Life 800 hrs


Catalog Number Description Includes

Orion Star A213 Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter Attached electrode stand and holder
Universal power adapter
Printed quick start guide and literature CD
USB computer cable

Orion Star A213 Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter Kit 083005MD Orion polarographic DO probe with calibration sleeve
080513 DO probe maintenance kit
BOD adapter, funnel and stirrer
Attached electrode stand and holder
Universal power adapter
Printed quick start guide and literature CD
USB computer cable
STARA2136 * Orion Star A213 Dissolved Oxygen Benchtop Meter Kit with Self-Stirring Probe 086030MD Orion polarographic AUTO-STIR DO/BOD probe
080513 DO probe maintenance kit
080514 DO probe electrolyte
Attached electrode stand and holder
Universal power adapter
Printed quick start guide and literature CD – USB computer cable


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